Saturday, 11 January 2014

Download WhatsApps Messenger apk v2.11.152 Newest

WhatsApps Messenger for Android, WhatsApp apk Newest - WhatsApp messenger is a mobile application that supports multiple platforms that can replace the SMS function and work using network data connection (internet) that already exist. WhatsApp until now supports iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Symbian S60.

Assuming today's mobile phone users have a packet data service permanently, it can be said operational WhatsApp is free, do not eat another pulse. Therefore, do not be fooled by ads that say eg chat via WhatsApp it's free.

Some features of whatsapp :
  • This application has features that could be considered complete , because in addition to beam can to send a text , we can also send images / photos , video and audio , we also can send GPS location via GPS or Gmaps hardware .
  • Messenger application is integrated into the system , like sms . We can receive messages without having to open the app first.
  • This software has a sign that the status message , ie : red clock for our hp loading process , a green check mark if the message sent to the network , double green check mark if the message has been sent to your friends chat and a red cross if the message failed .
  • This software has the facility Broadcast and Group Chat . Where we are interchangeable with Broadcast facility to send messages to many users , while Group Chat interchangeable facilities we use to send messages to fellow members of the community .
  • This software does not require a login and loading contact / avatars , thus saving bandwidth usage .
  • This software can be turned off and only activated when there is an incoming message , so it can save battery .
Download WhatsApp Messenger v2.11.152 Apk

So first my post this time about the latest download apk whatsapps messenger.

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